
最近,紐約人主帥Derek Fisher經常向外界發表意見。日前他曾說以K教練為目標,也說希望為紐約人在下個球季取得超過60場勝利。而在對鷹隊的賽後,他談到球隊的未來風格。


引用"I think teams like Atlanta, obviously what the Spurs have done for many years, but even the success of the Heat in recent years, I mean, it’s still team play. The best team will always win. That’s what we’re trying to become. It’s not just a team that, you know, can have guys with talent and that can play, but actually truly be a team."

在言談間,他以從前在湖人的生活作為例子。他表示人們認定湖人只要有Kobe Bryant和Shaq O'Neal,配上任何球員也會取得膀利。可是Fisher認為,事實上是湖人仍然要團隊努力才能成功。

引用"Probably teams that I was on are the best examples for me to use, that because you have Kobe [Bryant] and Shaq [O’Neal] that means you could throw any other 10 guys out there and you could win, when in fact it was still team play that got the job done."

