Paul Pierce談及了Ray Allen的性格,也認為自己、Garnett和Cassell才是綠軍三巨頭

從前,別人沒有對馬刺的三巨頭特別稱讚,因為在以往,大多球隊以二人組合取得成功,像公牛的Michael Jordan和Scottie Pippen、湖人的Shaquille O’Neal和Kobe Bryant,以及熱火的Dwyane Wade與Shaquille O’Neal。可是自2008年後,塞爾特人改變了一些風氣,他們的成功令往後不少球隊,像熱火也希望組成三巨頭。當時,在塞爾特人陣中,就是Paul Pierce、Kevin Garnett和Ray Allen這三位明星球員。

然而,Pierce在接受ESPN的訪問中,除了談及籃網外,也談及了塞爾特人。他表示,現時他和Garnett、Kendrick Perkins、Glen Davis和教練Doc Rivers仍然在一個短訊群組中聊天,但自2012年Ray Allen離開塞爾特人並加盟熱火後,就沒有與對方聯絡。

Pierce直指和Ray Allen的關係十分奇怪。他們在場上是一個好戰友,但球隊聚餐和一些慈善活動,Ray Allen也一直沒有參與。而令Pierce最印象深刻,就是Rajon Rondo續約後的聚餐,Ray Allen也沒有參與。Pierce明白Ray Allen不喜歡Rondo,但出席這些活動是代表對隊友的支持。而相反,Pierce指Rondo雖然也不喜歡Ray Allen,但也會出席對方的活動。

引用“It was a weird relationship. We were all good friends on the court, but Ray always did his own thing. That’s just the way Ray was. Even when we were playing together, we’d be having a team dinner and Ray wouldn’t show up. We’d go to his charity events but Ray wouldn’t show up to somebody else’s."

“I called him on it. I said, ‘Man, Ray, we support all your stuff but when we ask you, you don’t come to ours.’ I remember when Rondo re-signed with Boston, we had a little dinner at a restaurant and Ray didn’t show up."

“I know Ray probably didn’t like Rondo that much, but it wasn’t a fact of not liking somebody. You don’t have to like everybody you play with — it’s a matter of showing support."

“Rondo probably didn’t like Ray either, but he came to Ray’s functions to show, ‘Hey, we’re together in this.’"

Pierce指,他經常在比賽後邀請Ray Allen一起聚一聚,但對方總會拒絕。Pierce認為,在大部分時間下,他、Kevin Garnett和Sam Cassell才是三巨頭。

引用“It’s not a bad thing with Ray. We had a great relationship on the court. But even the year we won it, after a game we’d say, ‘Let’s go have something to eat and have a night with the older guys.’ We’d get there and it would be me, Kevin and Sam (Cassell), but no Ray. In a lot of ways, me, Sam and Kevin were our Big Three."

不過,Pierce也沒有怪責Ray Allen,因為他認為這是Ray Allen的個人性格。而他們拆夥後沒有說話,Pierce認為是媒體炒作,因為他們一直的關係都來這樣。

引用“It just got to the point where it was, ‘That’s Ray.’ No hard feelings. Everyone made such a big deal of us not talking after we left, but there really wasn’t much there.”

