Reggie Miller認同Paul Pierce,認為Deron Williams在場上不負責任

日前,Paul Pierce接受ESPN的訪問時表示,去年籃網陣中有不少球員態度懶散,而Deron Williams在備受傳媒壓力的情況下,根本不像一個被視作MVP級別的球員。

對於此番言論,溜馬名宿Reggie Miller大表認同。他在接受訪問時表示,自己不是一個喜歡詆毀別人的人,但Paul Pierce說的話實在說的太好。

Reggie Miller認為,控球後衛是場上最重要的位置,他是場上的教練。控衛必須讓每位球員站在正確的位置上,如果其他球員得不到控衛的幫助,那處境將會非常糟糕。Miller認為籃網就是面對這樣的困境,因為Deron Williams沒有負起責任,不單單是負起自己的責任,也沒有在場上的隊友負起責任。

引用"I can't argue with what Paul Pierce said. I have to agree with him. I don't really like to kill guys but you have to call a spade a spade. I think he's right on."

"The most important position in the game today is the point guard position. And if you can't get that out of your point guard - because that's the coach on the floor. That's the guy that has to get everyone rallying in the right position. So if your point guard is not demanding and is not accountable and is holding everyone else accountable, your team is going to struggle. That's why Brooklyn has struggled because Deron Williams - not only has he not held himself accountable, he's not holding anybody on the floor accountable as well."

下半季,Deron Williams的表現雖然有所起色。但從全季數字來看,他今季平均上陣31分鐘,取得13分、6.6個助攻和3.5個籃板。其中場均得分是新秀賽季以來最低數字。

