Doc Rivers認為季後賽排名制度有缺陷

快艇在NBA鎖定了西岸前三位置,確定了主場優勢。但主教練Doc Rivers在接受訪問時表示,NBA的季後賽排名制度有缺陷。


Doc Rivers認為,這就是缺陷所在,固然賽區冠軍很重要,但對於影響季後賽排名就有所保留。Rivers認為球隊在戰績上不及別隊的話,就不應該在排名上得到獎勵。

引用“That’s a flaw. I think the divisions are important. They’re nice to have. They’re nice to be celebrated, for some and some not, but I don’t know if they should be celebrated as far as in the standings. I think it’s something that the league will absolutely look at and try to fix. You shouldn’t be rewarded if your record [isn’t as good as others].”

此外,Rivers不滿的地方還有,就是賽區冠軍如非賽區冠軍假若戰績相同,那賽區冠軍將有主場優勢,而不是先比較雙方的對賽戰績。對於這個情況,Doc Rivers認為這讓他感到瘋狂。

引用“I just think if you tie with us, let’s say if we had gone undefeated against a team but our records are tied and they would get home court, that to me is insane. That’s worse in some ways to me, because head-to-head should always go first. But there’s flaws and you fix them, and I think the league will look at that.”

不過,雖然Doc Rivers認為季後賽排名出現漏洞,但他不認同取消東西岸和分賽區的制度。他認為從前是東強西弱,所以或許在五、六年後,現時西強東弱的情況將會出現逆轉。

引用"I just think we forget in the '80s this was how the East and the West looked, but it was the East. We forget that. The West is great right now; in five or six years, it may flip. You just don't know that it's one of those periods in time. It sucks for teams like the Phoenix Suns last year. They would have been a fifth seed in the East. It sucks for those teams."

