
從前,昔日小牛的三劍俠只有Dirk Nowitzki還在奮鬥,Steve Nash早前退休,而Michael Finley則回到了小牛工作。日前,Finley在接受電台訪問時,談及了在隊中的新角色,以及對兩位拍檔的看法。


引用It was tough times when I got here – before Steve and Dirk – the atmosphere around the team wasn’t a good one. But once we got the addition of Steve and Dirk, we had a hardworking core of guys, guys who would go out and play hard each and every night…over the years, we started putting a couple other key ingredients around us, and we became a playoff contender, and I think we had, at one point, a championship caliber team.


引用He’s a hard worker and he’s a gym rat. He has those two things going for him, and on top of that, he has talent. When you mix those three things together, usually good things come out of it. Dirk is always working on his game, even late in his 30s…just always trying to get better as an individual. What you see on the court is just the end result of hours and years of hard work.

談及現時的工作,他在小牛已經兩年了,工作的性質就是班主Mark Cuban的助手。而他也盡力向Mark Cuban和Donny Nelson努力學習。Finley認為,自己的角色就是球員和管理層之間的橋樑,令球隊成為一支更好的球隊,甚至是聯盟最佳的球隊之一。

引用I’ve been working with the team for, I think, two years now. And, I’m pretty much ‘Mark’s assistant’ – Cuban, that is. He’s not big on titles. So, he said if I wanted a title, if anybody happens to ask, just tell them you’re ‘Mark’s assistant.’ So, I accepted that title with open arms. But, my duty really is just trying to learn as much as I can from both Mark and Donny Nelson. And I’m kind of like the liaison between the players, management, and ownership. Try to give Mark a player’s perspective of what’s going on…just trying to make the team a better ‘team’, and make the organization be one of the best in the NBA.

