
洛杉磯湖人經歷了令人失望的球季,打出21勝61負隊史最差成績。此成績對於今季加盟的Carlos Boozer來說,顯然是不滿意,而他在接受訪問時談及了自己的將來。

Boozer將在夏天成為自由球員,他已經向教練Byron Scott和總經理 Mitch Kupchak表達了希望留隊的意願。不過,他也很坦白,認為自己在職業生涯這個階段,很難再想效力一支這樣戰績差的球隊。因為他仍然希望得到一個總冠軍。假若湖人下季變得更強,有機會在爭後賽爭奪總冠軍,他願意繼續披上紫金球衣。

引用“I told Byron and Mitch if they have a team that could compete, I’d love to come back.”

“It’s tough to come back to a situation like this where we’re 21-61 at this part of my career. I still want to win one championship when I retire. If we have a chance to compete in the playoffs for a championship, I’d love to be a Laker.”

Boozer在本賽季大部分時間也出任後備,其場均11.9分和6.8個籃板的成績,也是新秀球季以來最低。Boozer認為,自己是否正選球員,已經不再重要。他指自己和Nick Young一起出任球隊第6、7人的那一個時間,也令他十分享受。

引用“Very little. I knew at some point in my career, I would have to transition into being a starter into an off-the-bench guy.”

“To be honest, there were moments I thrived in that 6th and 7th man role coming off the bench with Swaggy P. I kind of enjoyed it a little bit.”

談及主帥Byron Scott,Boozer認為對方很有自信,而管理層也給予了他信心,因為他能隨心所欲地執教。

引用“He has a confidence in himself, confidence in the group of guys and confidence from the guys upstairs in management to be able to coach this team the way he wants to coach this team.”

“That gives him a certain comfort level to have that freedom to make moves that might work.”

