

湖人的方法是透過自由市場和交易作出重建,而76人則是用選秀的方式去實行。可是,湖人總經理Mitch Kupchak似乎不太喜歡76人的重建方法。

Mitch Kupchak表示,他仍然無法理解76在做什麼。當記者繼續追問,並認為76人的計劃比起湖人來說更加清晰的時候。Mitch Kupchak笑說:你能給的解釋一下麼?看看是否真的這樣清楚。

引用"I still don't understand what they're doing."

"Can you explain it to me, if it's so clear?"

Mitch Kupchak表示,球隊重建時的基本理念是使用三種工具,就是交易、選秀和薪金空間。他表示沒有什麼辦法是必定成功的,因為不會知道選秀會自由市場會有誰。Kupchak繼續指,很多球員到了6月30日才宣佈成為自由球員,所以他要作的就是隨時做好準備,利用上述的三種方法來改善球隊。

引用"Our basic philosophy is to use the three tools available to us -- that's the ability to make a trade, the draft and cap room during the offseason. There's no way to etch a plan in stone that you know you can execute. You don't know who's going to be in the draft and we don't know which free agents are going to be free agents."

"A lot of them don't have to declare until June 30. All you can do is set yourself up. We feel that we are set up to take advantage of all three of those ways to improve the team."

