
巫師在第一場的季後賽中作客擊敗速龍,比賽的話題除了是最近牽起了口水戰的Paul Pierce打出關鍵的表現外,雙方的全明星控衛John Wall和Kyle Lowry也打出令人失望的表現。

速龍的Lowry 10射2中,而巫師的John Wall則18投5中,拍檔Bradley Beal也只有23投6中。Paul Pierce雖然是首仗的致勝功臣,但他仍然認為Wall與Beal才是球隊的關鍵人物,並且有信心他們會打得更好。

Paul Pierce表示,自己一整年都在說巫師打成怎樣還是要看Wall與Beal,因為他們是在比賽中大量持球的球員。而Pierce認為二人在首場比賽中打得很掙扎,但二人還打出不錯的表現,特別是為隊友製造機會方面。Pierce也希望二人能在球隊需要他們時,打出精彩的表現。

引用“I have been saying it all year long, we go as they go,. Those are the guys that are going to have the ball in their hands most of the time. We expect them to come up huge for us when we need them. Even though they struggled they did some great things for us as far as making plays.”

“They did other things to help influence the win which I am mostly proud of. They are not one-dimensional guys who just relied on making shots for us.”


上個球季,作為季後賽的菜鳥,Wall和Beal面對著溜馬時無法打出最佳水準。一般球評認為,在吸取了許年經驗下,再加上老將Paul Pierce的教導,二人可望在今年季後賽打出理想表現。

