
據<ESPN>報導,紐約人總裁Phil Jackson打算以三角戰術作賣點,以吸引自由球員在今個夏天加盟。可是前NBA球星、現為ESPN分析員的Chauncey Billups表達了對三角戰術的懷疑。


引用“I don’t know about that triangle. The game is just different now. ... Look at the point-guard position right now; these guys are playmakers."

Billups繼續指,現時的控衛能得分,也能組織,但他們需要打擋拆戰術,而三角戰術只會阻礙他們,現時控衛也不單單的靠著傳球和切入了。Billups又認為,過往三角戰術確實帶來很多總冠軍,但這戰術確實倚賴某類型的球員。他指出,現在也不再有像Shaquille O'Neal 的球員,現時是控衛的天下。所以,Billups對三角戰術持保留意見。

“They come down, they score, they’re playmakers. They need pick-and-rolls. You put one of those guys in the triangle offense, where it’s kind of just slow down, pass, cut -- it’s no real NBA playmaking ability. It’s no pick-and-roll stuff, it’s no pindown to the post, no counteraction. Obviously that offense won a lot of championships. But it was curtailed to the personnel that they had.”

“You look at Shaq in the triangle -- there’s really no big man in the game like that today. It’s a guard’s game. The game is small, it’s a guard’s game. I got my reservations about the triangle, I really do.”

確實,現時聯盟中充斥著頂級的控球後衛,而這些後衛與以往的控衛不同,他們除了組織進攻外,大多還肩負起球隊得分的重責。看看今季的MVP熱門,Stephen Curry和Russell Westbrook,便是當中的例子。

