前鷹隊名宿:Draymond Green是籃球的百科全書

Draymond Green剛失落了最佳防守球員。可是,在此之前,前鷹隊名將Steve Smith對他作出了很高評價,並認為他是活著的籃球百科全書。

三年前,當Draymond Green參加選秀大會的時候,不少球隊管理層認為,Draymond Green就好像之前的Jeff Green和Michael Beasley般,是一位「四不像」球員,打小前鋒的時候速度不足,打大前鋒卻欠缺高度。

可是,今季在Steve Kerr帶領下,Draymond Green打出了各項生涯以來最好的成績,場均拿下11.7分、8.2個籃板、3.7個助攻,並有44.3%的命中率。

現為TNT分析員的Steve Smith認為,他只能用活著的籃球百科全書來形容Draymond Green,Smith認為Green是場上的教練,也是場上的控球後衛,十分全面。此外,Green的身體也用足夠的強度,能擔當球場上不同位置,而且不會對球隊造成傷害。
引用“Here’s how I describe his position: He’s a walking basketball encyclopedia, he’s a coach on the floor and he’s a point guard on the floor. He’s tough enough and physical enough that you can put him at any position, and he’s not going to hurt his team.”


引用“He’s a throwback in that he approaches life the way he approaches the game. It’s just about winning. I understand how sometimes we look at numbers or analytics, and people will say, 'How can you give this guy that type of money?’ But you have to go back to impact. I always say, 'Give me letters, those Ws over those Ls, and I’ll take that over numbers. That’s the impact he has.”

