Kelly Olynyk:我沒有故意傷害Kevin Love

季後賽首圈第四戰,塞爾特人以93-101不敵騎士後出局。賽後的焦點落在騎士的Kevin Love與塞爾特人的Kelly Olynyk在一次爭奪皮球中,弄至左手脫臼受傷,需要養傷一段時間。Kevin Love在賽後認為Olynyk的犯規是故意的,可是Olynyk為自己作出了辯解。

Olynyk表示對於他是故意弄傷Love的說法是十分荒謬,他從來沒有故意傷害Love或任何人。他解釋,在爭奪皮球時,Kevin Love鎖著了他的手臂,而他也拉著Love的手臂,而這個動作在聯盟裡是常見的,球員之間的手臂總是會纏在一起。

引用“That’s ridiculous. I would never intentionally hurt Kevin or anyone else. He locked my arm up, I locked up his as we were fighting for a loose ball. You lock up arms all the time in this league.”


引用“I wish him a very speedy recovery, and I hope he can come back to help his team in the playoffs.”

而塞爾特人的總經理Danny Ainge也力撐Olynyk,表示相信Olynyk不是故意這樣做的。他也認為,比賽間球員手臂糾纏在一起是常見的事情。他認為NBA會審查有關事件,同時他也希望Love能夠繼續出戰。

引用“I know Kelly didn’t do it on purpose. Guys get their arms tangled up all the time in this game. I know the NBA will look into it — they look into everything like this — and they may call Kelly. We just wish Kevin well and hope he can play again (in the playoffs).”
Kevin Love受傷片段:

