Andrew Bogut:人們只憑數據選擇最佳防守球員

勇士在首圈以4-0橫掃對手出線,得到一星期的休息時間。勇士的Andrew Bogut在談論該系列賽的表現時,也談論馬刺的Kawhi Leonard壓倒勇士隊友Draymond Green成為本賽季最佳防守球員一事。


引用Kawhi is definitely a deserving recipient of the award, the only question mark with him was that he missed a few games, so maybe that made it a little up in the air.


引用They don’t breakdown a game and see if you’re buying into your team defence, if you’re there on rotations, if you’re doing the right things to help your teammates, boxing out your man.

Those things just don’t show up on the stat sheet, so it’s unfortunately all about stats which is the way it’s voted on.


引用My team and coaches know what I do defensively. The same with Draymond Green.

I’m not a huge highlight guy, I won’t block 15 shots a game, but I know that nine times out of 10, I’ll make the right play defensively.

外界普遍認為,Draymond Green是帶動勇士打出高效防守的重要人物。而Bogut則是聯盟中,防守實力屬於頂級的中鋒之一。

