Tony Allen:並不是從沒有看過像Stephen Curry這樣的球員

勇士的Stephen Curry是本季常規賽的最有價值球員(MVP),而勇士在季後賽次圈的對手灰熊,陣中也有一個外線防守專家名叫Tony Allen。在系列賽展開第二場前,Tony Allen談及了Stephen Curry。

Tony Allen認為Stephen Curry的投籃非常準繩,而控球也相當熟練,但這並不代表Tony Allen沒有看過像Stephen Curry這樣的球員。

引用“He can shoot the ball pretty good and he got a nice handle. But it ain’t nothing I ain’t never seen before.”

不過,Tony Allen也得承認Stephen Curry的MVP資格。Tony Allen表示自己沒有投票權,但Curry打出MVP的水準,MVP的獎項是Curry應得的。

引用"I don't get a vote, but I acknowledge his MVP status. It's well deserved, I wasn't surprised."
至於他的隊友Marc Gasol和教練Dave Joerger也有一些意見。Marc Gasol認為不能對Curry感到害怕,並認為勇士只是一支聯盟成績最好的球隊而已。

引用"Can't go wrong with Steph. I don't think you can go wrong, obviously, with somebody with the best record in the league. To me, that's what really matters."

Dave Joerger則笑說,不能讓Stephen Curry投射、不能讓Draymond Green切入籃下、不能讓Klay Thompson命中3分球。假若能找到方法限制3人,就應擊敗勇士了。Dave Joerger說的時候,一臉輕鬆似的,莫非他已找到了方法?

引用"You don't want Curry shooting. You don't wan't Draymond Green rolling to the basket and shooting layups. You don't want Klay Thompson getting kickout threes. So if you can figure out how to do any of those three -- all three of them -- then you can stop them”

