

其中一個原因,是快艇教練Doc Rivers使用砍殺戰術,他換了後備中鋒Ekpe Udoh出來向對方犯規。而火箭的Dwight Howard並因此而得到14次的罰球機會。

而賽後,快艇前鋒Blake Griffin對此感到不滿,認為當對方得到64次罰球機會時,自己的球隊很難會贏得該場比賽。

不過,火箭教練Kevin McHale卻作出反駁。他指James Harden 即使被犯規了,裁判也沒有作出判罰。他認為Harden不斷攻擊內線,卻沒有得到很多罰球(全場9次罰球機會)。他認為球隊罰球數字多,是因為對方的砍殺戰術所致。因此,McHale明言,假若對方認為自己得到這麼多罰球機會,那對方就不要犯規。

引用"James gets fouled and he doesn't get calls. He attacks the rim he doesn't get every call. I heard them saying we shot too many free throws, well quit hacking us. You shoot a lot of free throws when you decide you get in the penalty and start hacking everybody. Yeah, you end up shooting a lot of free throws when you put in your backup, backup center to just grab guys, that just happens."


引用"His style dictates a physical brand. Hey, James goes downhill and plays hard. There's a lot of contact the way James plays. I can show you every game, five where he clearly gets grabbed and they don't call it. James runs down the floor and the referees are not trying to screw anybody, it's a hard game to referee. It's a tough game to call. Again I don't put too much into all that."

