Kerr回憶當年認識的Zach Randolph,認為對方現已成為好男人

公牛王朝以後,現任勇士主帥的Steve Kerr便加盟了馬刺,及後並曾加盟拓荒者一個球季,當時Zach Randolph正是球隊的新人。

Steve Kerr回憶當日的情境,認為Zach Randolph是個天真可愛的小孩。最主要原因,是他在聖誕前曾問Kerr,大家在聖誕節時會放多久的假期。Kerr表示Randolph當時還不知道NBA是怎麼樣的。


引用“What makes me really happy is just to see what he’s done in his career and the maturity. The fact that he’s gone from this kid who knew nothing about the league to being a leader not only on his team, but somebody who’s really important in the community here in Memphis, he’s really matured and grown into really a good man and a hell of a player.”

此外,Randolph也在訪問中談及了當年的境況。他會問Steve Kerr很多Michael Jordan的問題,並且認為Kerr是個很好的導師。

當時拓荒者的陣中,還有另一位公牛王朝成員,就是Scottie Pippen。Randolph很高興能和Kerr及Pippen待在一起。

引用“Steve was always great, a great person, man. He was just a great leader and mentor type of guy even when I was a rookie…I was amazed, you know? Steve Kerr, Scottie Pippen, like I’m on a team with these guys?”

