快艇落敗,Doc Rivers動人演說受到讚賞

快艇在西岸次圈的系列賽,在總比分領先3-1的情況下反勝為敗,被火箭淘汰。賽後快艇職球員也十分失望。然而,在賽後的記者會中,Doc Rivers其中一段演說受到了外界讚賞。

被問到有什麼說話跟球員說,Doc Rivers表示他跟球員們說他自己曾經是一位打了13年比賽的球員,而且在每一年也會心碎一次。Doc Rivers表示自己每天晚上都會祈禱,唯一的目標就是贏得總冠軍,而他每年也會全心奉獻給球隊,可是每年它都會完全地粉碎。但Doc Rivers告訴他的球員,這場的奉獻是值得的,因為這是體育運動的一部分,永遠只有一個贏家,在今輪的比賽或是下一輪的比賽若沒有取勝,結果也只會是一樣。
引用"I told them I was a player for 13 years, and I had my heart broken for 13 straight years. I told them, every night I prayed, every single night, my only goal was to win a world championship. Every year, I'd give my heart completely to the team, and every year, it got completely broken. I told them it was worth it. I told them it's so worth it to buy in and give yourself to a team. And this is part of sports. Only one winner. If we didn't win this round or the next, it wouldn't have mattered."

Doc Rivers更稱,這樣的心碎和接受批評是值得的。Doc Rivers非常正面的向球員表示,即使自己已經心碎,但他已經在思考來季如何應戰。Doc River鼓勵球員必順重回正軌,這樣才像他們,而且這也是他們應該所作的事。

"But it's worth giving yourself to the team. It's worth getting your heart broken and taking all the criticism. It should excite you. It does to me. I told them that. I'm broken up right now, but in my mind, I'm already thinking about next year. You just have to get back on. That's going to be us, and that's what we're going to do."

媒體認為,Doc Rivers這段說話充滿正能量,希望Chris Paul能聽得入耳,重新振作起來。

Doc Rivers受訪片段:(2:30開始為上文所提及的內容)

(影片來源:NBAshowtimeHD @ Youtube)
