眾所周知,公牛的Joakim Noah一直視狼王Kevin Garnett為偶像,Noah在自己的房間裡,也貼滿了Garnett的海報。然而,他Noah加入NBA並與Garnett對戰後,便因對方的垃圾話而感到忿怒,回家後把所有海報撕裂。到底Garnett說了些什麼?現時謎底終於解開了。
曾與Garnett一起當隊友的Paul Pierce回憶當時的情景。那時候Noah還是一個新人,Garnett問Noah是否像女人般搓揉頭髮。Pierce指當時Noah看起來有點尷尬,並望著Garnett,彷彿在向Garnett說:我房間滿是你的海報,我一直視你為偶像。Pierce指當時Garnett並繼續向Noah說了一些垃圾話,然後以一句髒話作結。
引用"One time, he asked [Joakim] Noah if he could rub through his hair, like a female or something. ... And I know that kind of made [Noah] hot. And this was when Noah was a rookie, too. I remember Noah looked up to KG. He was like, 'Man, KG, I had your poster on my wall, I looked up to you, man.' And then [Garnett] just said something like that, and was like 'F— you, Noah.' I was like, 'Whoa.' This kid fresh out of college, looks up to KG, just said he had his poster on the wall, and he tells him that! It crushed him. It crushed Noah."