湖人副總裁:Shaq O’Neal曾要脅說要把Kobe殺了

2003-04球季,湖人在衝擊4連冠失敗後,找來了兩位名將Gary Payton和Karl Malone,希望再次衡擊總冠軍。

據美國傳媒報導,多位湖人前職球員談及了該球季球隊的關係與變化,而湖人公共關係副總裁John Black,則在一段說話中,談了了Shaquille O’Neal和Kobe Bryant的關係。

John Black指,Shaquille O’Neal和Kobe Bryant的關係一直不太好,他們就是不喜歡對方,可是這樣的關係沒有影響他們在場上的表現。

在八年的時間裡,他們會公開和私下地數算對方,但真正發生衝突的次數不過兩至三次。Black 說其中一次是Kobe Bryant在接受訪問時指O’Neal又胖又懶。而最嚴重的一次是O’Neal說殺了Kobe Bryant,幸好當時Brian Shaw把二人分開。

引用“Mostly it was Shaq and Kobe didn’t like each other, but it didn’t affect them on the court. They would say something about the other, on or off the record, but it didn’t become confrontational more than two or three times over the eight years. When Kobe gave the statement to Jim Gray where he went off calling Shaq fat and lazy, that was one of the times. There was one really bad one, early on. Brian Shaw had to pull them apart. Shaq threatened to murder Kobe.”

那個球季,湖人雖然打入NBA總決賽,但他們卻以1-4不敵活塞隊。賽季完結後,湖人決定留下Kobe Bryant,並把Shaquille O’Neal交易至熱火。從此,OK組合正式拆夥,O’Neal在熱火拿下另一次的總冠軍,而後來Kobe Bryant則兩度取得冠軍指環。

