Barkley:不要過份稱讚Dellavedova,Stephen Curry會幹掉他

NBA總決賽第二戰,騎士在加時以95-93擊敗勇士,總比分追成1-1平手。比賽中,Stephen Curry命中率極低,全場25射5中(3分球15射2中),賽後,不少人稱讚Matthew Dellavedova和Iman Shumpert的防守,大大限制了Curry的威力。

不過,名宿Charles Barkley認為,是時候停止對Dellavedova的讚賞。他認為Dellavedova不是一個骯髒的球員,而是一個很勤力的球員,不過Curry的表現下滑與Dellavedova無關。Barkley認為,Curry只是沒投進球而已,而每位射手總有表現好與不好的時候,只是剛巧第二場就是Curry手感不好的日子而已。Barkley認為Curry會在整個系列賽中幹掉Dellavedova。

引用“I don’t think he’s a dirty player. I think he’s a hard-working player. And I think people need to slow down giving him so much credit because Steph Curry will kill that kid in the overall scheme of things. He just didn’t make shots last night, and I think that everybody needs to slow their roll. Steph Curry just missed some shots…This notion that he stopped him is just ridiculous. You know, when you are a jump shooter you have good days [and] you have bad days. And Steph had a bad day last night but, listen, Dellavedova wasn’t the reason he was missing shots.”

Barkley是LeBron James和騎士的支持者,在系列賽展開前,他認為騎士會以總比分4-2擊敗勇士。而另一方面,他也指季後賽勇士的防守使他另眼相看。


而第二戰時,Dellavedova的確緊貼防守著Curry,令Curry難以從隊友手上接得皮球,也難以作出輕鬆的跳投。Dellavedova全場奮戰,最後在抽筋的情況下搶得關鍵進攻籃板並為球隊射入反先的罰球,是LeBron James以外的另一位騎士英雄。

