LeBron James被指對教練不尊重

今個球季,騎士教練David Blatt一直被指是球隊的傀儡教練,他與主將LeBron James是口和心不和。

據<ESPN>的Marc Stein報導,他指出在總決賽期間,LeBron James會自己呼喊暫停和作出換人決定,架空了David Blatt的職責。而且當David Blatt的決定不合心意,LeBron James會對著David Blatt怒吼。就好像總決賽第五戰,當David Blatt佈置了一個戰術時,LeBron James會不斷搖頭和大聲抗議,迫使David Blatt重新佈置一個戰術。Marc Stein又指出,LeBron James經常與助教Tyronn Lue待在一起,不理會David Blatt。

引用I saw it from close range in my role as sideline reporter through the Finals for ESPN Radio. LeBron essentially calling timeouts and making substitutions. LeBron openly barking at Blatt after decisions he didn't like. LeBron huddling frequently with Lue and so often looking at anyone other than Blatt.

There was LeBron, in one instance I witnessed from right behind the bench, shaking his head vociferously in protest after one play Blatt drew up in the third quarter of Game 5, amounting to the loudest nonverbal scolding you could imagine.

Which forced Blatt, in front of his whole team, to wipe the board clean and draw up something else.

媒體指,這或許是LeBron James實在太出眾,這令他用了這種錯誤的方式去對待教練。

外界傳言指騎士或許會找來Tom Thibodeau執教。但據了解,騎士管理層對David Blatt充滿信心,而他本人也有信心來季會繼續執教。


此外,也有媒體對David Blatt表示同情,因為當騎士委任David Blatt時,是希望給予他時間帶領一支年輕的球隊,打出無私的風格,而LeBron James的回來是往後發生的事情,也不是這位菜鳥教練能夠掌握的。
