在最佳行政人員中未得一票,Phil Jackson感到驚訝

最近,紐約人總裁Phil Jackson接受了<紐約時報>的訪問,談及了過去一年不少與紐約人相關的題目。其中一個令媒體和球迷驚訝的,就是他不服最佳行政人員的選舉中自己未得一票的結果。

剛過去的球季,有關獎項由勇士的Bob Myers獲得。Phil Jackson認為自己在紐約人的工作,是毫無疑問的一個大挑戰。他認為去年球隊沒有什麼空間,自己要在受限制的情況下做出大的改變。Phil Jackson也認為自己擺脫了陣容中不需要的球員,朝著球隊的目標下運作並且幹得不錯。他認為湖人的Mitch Kupchak也獲得了一票,就要有人認同湖人在這方面做得不錯。

引用Without a doubt. I knew it was going to be a challenge. We just didn’t have any room to work last year. We knew that we were going to have to make big changes with the limitations that we had, being in a locked-in situation as far as the salary cap goes. That’s why when I said recently that I didn’t know why I wasn’t given some votes for executive of the year, I wasn’t kidding. I was really serious. We had a yeoman’s job of having to get rid of a lot of fat on our roster to get to where we are. I saw Mitch Kupchak got a vote, so I know some people valued what the Lakers were doing obviously.

Phil Jackson的意思,就好像說他的紐約人和湖人一樣也是擺爛,為什麼湖人的總經理能夠取得認同,自己卻未得一票。球迷認為,去年紐約人打出隊史中的最差成績,放棄了的Iman Shumpert和J.R. Smith皆在騎士發揮出色,而且交換而來的Jose Calderon也不符預期。因此Phil Jackson未得一票實屬正常。

