LaMarcus Aldridge發表公開信,感謝波特蘭球迷支持

一年之前,LaMarcus Aldridge曾說過想要成為史上最佳的拓荒者球員。一年之後,他決定返回家鄉德州,加盟馬刺這支更有機會奪取總冠軍的球隊。LaMarcus Aldridge知道,自己的決定傷害了不少拓荒者球迷的心,於是他發表了公開信,感謝球迷過往的支持。

LaMarcus Aldridge在信中感謝拓荒者、隊友、媒體和球迷在這九年時間對自己的支持,他覺得充滿著祝福,並會把一切珍貴的記憶帶在回家的路上。他希望各位能夠尊重這個(離隊的)決定,他表示這個決定是屬於個人而且不輕易的決定。他也表示,下年返回波特蘭時將身穿不同的球衣,但他仍會把拓荒者的球衣藏在自己心中。

引用Dear Rip City, Thank you!

Those two words on a page don’t begin to express the gratitude I have for the opportunity the entire Trail Blazers organization, my teammates, the media, and you fans gave me. The past nine years have been a blessing, and I will take all of the valuable memories with me as I head back home.
As I’m sure you can respect, my decision was a very personal one but not one I took lightly. Although I will be wearing a different uniform the next time I come back to Portland, please know that I will always hold my time in a Blazers uniform near and dear to my heart.

Your friend, LA

到底拓荒者的球迷能否原諒他,繼續當他是朋友?不過,他們的傷心是令人明白,近年Brandon Roy和Greg Oden的傷患令他們蒙上陰影,LaMarcus Aldridge好不容易才與Damian Lillard一起帶領拓荒者再次走上季後賽的道路。現時,拓荒者將再次面對重建,心情絕對不好受。

