Matt Bonner自爆獨家新聞:新電話尺寸過大使我命中率下滑

Matt Bonner在11年的職業生涯中,也是一個投射命中率不俗的內線球員。他職業生涯命中率達46.3%。可是在上個球季,他只有40.9%。而上個球季的三分命中率也比職業生涯平均命中率跌了5%,只有36.9%。

Bonner接受Tim O'Sullivan訪問時表示,上個球季他的手肘受到傷患困擾,影響了投射表現。他在訪問中自爆,表示自己所說的將會成為獨家新聞。他透露,自己受傷的原因是新的iPhone尺寸變得太大,這令手掌需要長時間的張開,他認為這是令他手肘受傷的原因。

引用You’re about to get an exclusive here. I hate to make excuses, I was raised to never make excuses, but I went through a two-and-a-half month stretch where I had really bad tennis elbow, and during that stretch it made it so painful for me to shoot I’d almost be cringing before I even caught the ball like, ‘Oh, this is going to kill.’

引用Everybody is going to find this hilarious, but here’s my theory on how I got it. When the new iPhone came out it was way bigger than the last one, and I think because I got that new phone it was a strain to use it, you have to stretch further to hit the buttons, and I honestly think that’s how I ended up developing it.


