Kobe Bryant接受學員訪問,談及最喜愛的隊友和三角戰術

洛杉磯湖人球星Kobe Bryant出席了自己所舉辦的籃球訓練營,當中與球隊進行了互動,與學員進行了問答環節,透露了19年職業生涯以來的一些看法,以下是其中一些內容。

被問到最喜歡合作的球員,Kobe Bryant表示不是Shaq O’Neal,雖然很喜歡對方,也和對方拿下了三個總冠軍,但並不特別喜歡與對方一起打球。說了這裡,Kobe Bryant也大笑起來。他說喜歡的隊友有兩人,就是Derek Fisher和Pau Gasol。

引用”There is two. [Shaq?] No it’s not Shaq. But I loved Shaq. Me and Shaq won the thing but I didn’t particularly like playing with him too much. [Laughs] It’s easy. It’s Derek Fisher and Pau Gasol.”

有學員問,Kobe Bryant受哪一位球員影響最深。Kobe Bryant回應者,自己會受任何球員的激發和影響,不論對方是老將還是年輕球員。因為他認為,每位球員總有一些東西令你變得更好,協助自己融入在比賽當中。
引用”Honestly, I get inspired by everybody, and I don’t say that lightly. There is plenty of players that you can learn from. There are a lot of things from other players that make you better if you try to watch and you try to observe, and incorporate that into your own game. I watch everybody, I pay attention to everybody, no matter how old or young the player is.”

”I don’t get inspired by particular players. I keep trying to learn from them.”

被問到希望改變比賽中的的一樣東西會是什麼。Kobe Bryant指自己在聯盟大約已經待了20年的時間,大部分想改變的東西也改變了。而當到了2003年的時候,Kobe Bryant也認為自己的技術變得全面。但如果自己能夠改變一樣東西,就是擁有一雙更大的手,而這方面Michael Jordan也擁有。Kobe Bryant認為,擁有一雙更大的手,意味可以單手抓球,更容易控制皮球。

引用”It’s a tough question, because I’ve been in the league for 20 years, and everything I’ve wanted to change about my game I’ve changed. About 2003, I felt like I had every aspect of the game, from that point it became about getting better at every single aspect. Physically if I could change one thing, …the one thing that Michael Jordan had, some of the other players [I played with] had, is massive hands. I have big hands but their hands were huge. It means you could grab the basketball, pick up the basketball, and hold it, and control it in the paint. Which is something I had to work extremely hard at, with my forearms, things like that. If I had to one thing, change one thing, I would have bigger hands.”

學員便問,什麼技術對Kobe Bryant來說是最難學習。Kobe Bryant開玩笑地說是傳球。他認真回答指,領導能力對他是一項挑戰,而除了一些基本功外,就是練習左手。他指自己小時候會強迫自己做所有的事情都會運用左手,一開始感到很困難,但慢慢便會習慣。Kobe Bryant最後更打趣指,他到現在還會練習傳球,叫學員多多留意。

引用”To pass the ball. [Laughs] I ‘kid’ I ‘kid’, but not really. … I think leadership is always a challenge, aside from just the basic things growing up, like using my left hand.”

”I had a parent, ask me, his son was left-handed, he wanted to teach his son how to use his right hand. What I used to do when I was a kid … in my case, I would play with one hand behind my back, just play with my left hand the entire time. When I went home I would eat with one hand, brush my teeth, everything I could with my left hand, including brushing my teeth, which is really hard to do, but then you get used to it, those are things I had to work on. Passing I’m still working on. Stay tuned.”

訓練營中需要學習三角進攻,學員問為何Kobe Bryant會在訓練營中指導他們三角戰術,又問他花了多久學習三角進攻。Kobe Bryant指他花了兩天的時間,從前他有觀看公牛的比賽,所以掌握得非常快。至於Kobe Bryant認為,三角戰術是一個很難學會的進攻戰術,他認為想孩子變得更好,便要對他們作出挑戰。而到日後,孩子長大後繼續接受挑戰,最後便會成為更好的球員。

引用”About 2 days. I studied the triangle offense for years before. Watching the Bulls play. It was very familiar to me. The concept was something that I grasped very quickly. A couple of days.”

”It’s a challenging offense to learn. The one thing I’ve always heard about kids, about youth basketball, you have to give them the very very basic concepts, that you can’t give them structured offense. I don’t believe that. If you want our kids to be better, to be the best version of themselves, you have to challenge them. Kids, as you guys have proved, yet and yet again this year, will respond to that challenge and exceed expectations. I believe you guys are capable of holding on to those concepts. And when you learn those concepts at an early age, how much better are you going to be when you are older? We believe that we can challenge you, and through that challenge you will become a better player.”

最後被問到為何選擇籃球而不是足球。Kobe Bryant指自己雖然喜歡足球,但籃球已經變成了身體的一部分,並且融入了自己的精神世界。

”Soccer is my favorite sport to watch, but basketball, it’s just one of those things where you felt it was a part of you. I enjoyed playing soccer, I loved soccer, but basketball is part of my spirit. An easy choice to make.”

Kobe Bryant在對答中展示了幽默一面,而且他確實希望學員在長大後變得更好。詳細內容及資料來源:

