Lance Stephenson:被交易使我感到受傷害

Lance Stephenson在黃蜂經歷了一個令人失望的球季後,在今年夏天被交易至快艇。最近,他接受了訪問,談及了自己當日被交易的看法,與及加盟快艇後的目標。

Lance Stephenson承認他被黃蜂交易感到傷害,但他也感謝班主Michael Jordan在上個球季給予自己的幫助。Lance Stephenson表示,Michael Jordan一直和他溝通,在一個艱難的賽季中不斷鼓勵他。雖然他自覺自己能尋回位置而最終未能如願,但他認為這些是一個寶貴的學習經歷,令他學會謙卑。他認為自己必須努力訓練,因為能夠打籃球是一種祝福,而且自己還是在領薪金的。

引用“Yeah, definitely it hurt me (getting traded by Jordan). I felt like I could’ve done more for the organization, I felt like we had pieces, and we just couldn’t get over that hump. There were a lot of injuries, a lot of things that just held us back from having a successful season….

“(Jordan) was communicating with me, telling me to keep a positive head even though I had a rough year. This was one of the roughest seasons—injuries, not getting my spot back. I felt like I could help this squad, but it just didn’t go the way I planned it to go. It’s a good learning experience and it really humbled me, because when you have high expectations, you feel like you’re that guy. It made me feel like, “Hey, you’ve got to keep working. Never stop grinding. Don’t take this stuff for granted because playing basketball is a blessing and you’re getting paid for it.”

談到在快艇的位置,Lance Stephenson表示無論如何他也會尊重教練Doc Rivers的決定,他也希望自己能提升球隊的能量,他也不介意自己將會擔任後備,最重要是希望球隊取得勝利。

此外,Lance Stephenson也對球隊的陣容感到滿意,認為球隊有10位很優秀的球員。不過,他坦言當初DeAndre Jordan說要加盟小牛時,也令他感到晴天霹靂,因為自己剛加盟,卻失去了聯盟其中一位最佳內線球員。因此,他也曾發短訊挽留DeAndre Jordan。

談到個人目標,Lance Stephenson希望自己成為籃板最好的後衛,而且他也渴望得到一個冠軍指環。

