
據<NBC>報導,馬刺教練Gregg Popovich接受了前NBA球員Tom Tolbert訪問,當中談及了現今籃球的改變,特別是三分球對現今籃球比賽的重要性。


引用You pay the price if you don’t make threes, and you pay the price if you don’t get those threes off. One way that big guys are gonna still be valuable is if you have a big guy that demands a double-team. If you have a big guy that you don’t have to double-team? You’re in trouble. But if you got a big guy, he better be somebody who is good enough that he commands a double so it can get kicked, and moved, and you can penetrate or pitch for the threes.


引用[The three-pointer] is so much more valuable than a two-pointer that you can’t ignore it. So, you try to have a balance between penetrating and [jump-shooting]. But when you penetrate you always think about kicking it to that uncontested three-point guy. So, what we’re doin’ now isn’t gonna change a whole lot across the league because of that three-point line.


最近,馬刺簽下了Jimmer Fredette,希望頂替離隊的Marco Belinelli的三分射手位置。

