Byron Scott:Kobe Bryant或要在一些比賽中擔任大前鋒

職業生涯的大部分時間,湖人主將Kobe Bryant都是擔任球隊的得分後衛。近年因應戰術安排,也曾擔任控球後衛,讓Steve Nash和Steve Blake等傳統後衛成為定點三分射手。現時,湖人擁有兩位年輕後衛Jordan Clarkson和D’Angelo Russell,並在自由市場上羅殃了Lou Williams,湖人的後場有著人滿之患。

湖人主教練Byron Scott多次表示,Kobe Bryant將在新賽季擔任小前鋒的位置,以配合球隊的需要。可是Byron Scott在最近一次接受訪問時表示,他認為球隊現時擁有Jordan Clarkson、D’Angelo Russell和Lou Williams充滿變化,而他也明白到Kobe Bryant勝任1至3號位的位置。不過他希望在一些比賽中把Kobe Bryant提升至大前鋒位置,而他相信以Kobe Bryant頑強的鬥志和樂於接受挑戰的性格,將令他勝任4號位。

引用“The one thing that we wanted to do and accomplish through this draft and through free agency was to try and be a little more versatile, have some versatility. So I think (Clarkson, Russell, Williams) can definitely do that. Kobe can play one, two and three. There’s no doubt in my mind. And there’s some games. against some teams, where he’ll probably play four. With his tenaciousness, the way he guards people and when his mind is set, if I say ‘Kobe, you’ve got him,’ he takes that as a challenge. You know how he is. He’ll compete.”

在面對著東岸對手,Kobe Bryant或許能夠對抗速龍的DeMarre Carroll、魔術的Tobias Harris,又或者客串大前鋒的溜馬Paul George。但在西岸,他要面對Anthony Davis、Blake Griffin、LaMarcus Aldridge和Zach Randolph等對手,相信這會令近年受到傷患困擾的Kobe Bryant吃不消。

因此,我們還是預許Julius Randle和Brandon Bass將在大部分時間擔任大前鋒,而Kobe Bryant將在偶爾的情況下才客串4號位。

