James Harden認證:Ty Lawson比以往更專注

據<侯斯頓紀事報>報導,火箭球星James Hadren出席了他舉辦的青少年籃球訓練營,他在訪問中談及了新隊友Ty Lawson。

今年夏天,Ty Lawson由金塊交易至火箭。而James Harden表示,他之前跟對方相處了一段時間,他認為對方已克服了場外的麻煩,並且相信對方能夠為球隊帶來很多正面的幫助。James Harden認為,Ty Lawson能夠提升了球隊的速攻和組織進攻能力,這也是球隊正正所缺乏的。

引用“Ty is definitely going to help us, He gives us that quickness, that speed, playmaking ability, something that we were missing, especially deep in the playoffs. We’re going to welcome him with open arms. We’re happy to have him.”

James Harden更認為,現時的Ty Lawson比以往任何時刻也感到專注。此外,他也認為Ty Lawson能跟Patrick Beverley同時上陣,由Ty Lawson控球進攻,而後者則在無球跑動。

引用“We’re happy to have him. He’s going to be a great addition to our team. I’ve been with him these last couple weeks. He’s more focused than ever. He has a great opportunity with a really good team to showcase his talents and help us with that push that we need.”

“We have a lot of guys that are versatile. We can have Ty Lawson handle the basketball, play Pat (Beverley) off the ball. You can play them together. We have a lot of different lineups, a lot of options with this team. I’ve very excited to see how it all is going to pan out. Good things are going to happen.”

根據報導,Ty Lawson已經完成了30天的戒酒治療。此前,他因醉酒駕駛被捕,是今年內發生的第二次。

此外,James Harden也談及了前幾天在拉斯維加斯的國家隊訓練營的狀況。他認為能有機會和這麼多的好球員一起訓練,能夠開拓更多的球路,並且對往後的比賽也有所幫助。

據報導,剛與Adidas簽下巨額贊助合約的James Harden,是與LaMar Odom的前妻Khloe Kardashian一起出席是次青少年訓練營。

(資料來源:Houston Chronicle)
