Glen Davis:Doc Rivers的執教方式變得不同;DeAndre Jordan與Chris Paul沒有不和


外號「Big Baby」的Glen Daivs,仍然是一位自由球員,有報導指原屬球會快艇,以及東岸的公鹿亦曾與他接洽。而另一方面,他也不排除加盟海外球隊的可能性。

Glen Davis在接受電台節目訪問時,談及了他在塞爾特人和快艇的主帥Doc Rivers。Glen Davis認為現時Doc Rivers的執教方式比以往不同。過往在塞爾特人擁有像Kevin Garnett和Ray Allen這樣經驗的球員,但現時Doc Rivers需在教練工作上付出更多,讓Chris Paul、Blake Griffin和DeAndre Jordan明白怎樣才能成為總冠軍。Glen Davis也認為,Doc Rivers也在語調上作出了改變,改變了他與年輕球員對話的方式。Glen Davis認為Doc Rivers的改變也讓大家變得同心。

引用“I think he’s changed as a coach. In Boston, I think when you have players like Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen, so experienced and understanding of policing. He has to do more coaching with these guys, with Blake (Griffin) and DeAndre (Jordan) and Chris (Paul). Kind of walk them through the process of understanding championship basketball. You got to kind of change your tone and the way you talk to these younger guys. So he’s changed for the betterment of the team so he can get everybody on the same page.”

此外,今年夏天DeAndre Jordan一度答應小牛將會加盟,當中有報導指DeAndre Jordan與Chris Paul不和,是DeAndre Jordan希望離隊的原因。不過,Glen Davis否認有關說法,表示二人之間根本沒有存在任何問題,他指球員們經常外出消遣,場下一起享受了美好時光。Glen Davis認為問題可能是直到DeAndre Jordan說要加盟小牛之先,大家也沒有好好討論過有關問題才會出現這樣的境況。

引用“It was a false reality,” Davis said of the reports of a CP3/Jordan feud. “It was like they had problems, but they didn’t have problems. We can hang out, have a good time off the court, it just some players rub each other the wrong way. I think that’s what it was and they never really talked about it until DeAndre said ‘I’m going to go to Dallas….’

Glen Davis認為DeAndre Jordan在攻守兩端也極具統治力,然而球隊沒有為他設定戰術,並給他一些信心。Glen Davis表示球隊需要給DeAndre Jordan傳球,看看他能否得分,而且即使DeAndre Jordan罰球不靈光,但或許DeAndre Jordan能做出別樣的事情。Glen Davis也認為球隊應展示出對DeAndre Jordan的愛,因為DeAndre Jordan是一個非常重要的球員。

引用“I thought D’Andre needed more attention, because he’s a guy who dominates on both sides of the ball. He doesn’t have no plays run for him, and he gets every rebound, how about we give him some confidence? Throw him a couple bones down there and see if he can get us a bucket. He can’t shoot free throws, but he’s getting people in the bonus, he’s making things happen out there. So you gotta show him some love because he’s a vital player.”

此下,Glen Davis也透露,前班主Donald Sterling經常帶著情婦進入球員的更衣室,即使球員赤著身子,也沒有避忌。

