紐約名宿Walt Frazier談史上最佳:我會選擇Wilt Chamberlain;Kareem Abdul-Jabbar被忽視

這個暑假,聯盟中興起了一個沒有答案的問題:誰是史上最偉大球員?雖然,不少球迷的答案也會是Michael Jordan,但認為Wilt Chamberlain、Bill Russell、Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,甚至是Magic Johnson為史上最佳的也有不少支持者。


著名紐約人名宿Walt Frazier道出了他的選擇。他選擇了Wilt Chamberlain,認為他保存的紀錄也很難被打破。至於Bill Russell則是Walt Frazier的第二選擇。

至於NBA史上得分王Kareem Abdul-Jabber,Walt Frazier認為外界總是忽視了他的實力。
“If I had to pick a guy it would be Wilt Chamberlain, because if you look at his records, it’s hilarious, nobody will approach any of his records. So he would be my guy. Bill Russell would be behind him. A guy who is always overlooked is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar — the leading scorer in the history of the game. The skyhook is the most lethal weapon the game has ever seen, but when people talk about the greatest player he’s not even in the top five.”

職業生涯平均取得30.1分及22.9個籃板的Wilt Chamberlain,過往在NBA打球時靠著身體質素取得明顯優勢,他曾單場取得100分個人得分,也曾在一場比賽中取得了55個籃板球,這些也是至今仍未能被打破的NBA紀錄。

至於Kareem Abdul-Jabber,他曾拿下了6次NBA總冠軍,也6次成為了MVP得主,絕技「天勾」也是不可被防守的射球動作。

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