
2013年狀元Anthony Bennett最近被木狼放棄,最終他以一紙底薪合約返回家鄉球隊速龍。由於他在訓練時弄傷了膊頭,因此沒有在速龍對快艇的季前賽中上陣。雙方主帥對Bennett充滿期待,但同時也希望這年輕人放下壓力。

速龍主帥Dwane Casey表示,Bennett是個很有才華的年輕球員,他在攻守兩端也能做出令人驚訝的事情。而他認為Bennett最重要是放下狀元的重擔,好好訓練,並且享受比賽,尋回籃球的樂趣。

引用"He's a talented young man, he's doing some things that surprised all of us offensively and defensively, but most of all . . . enjoy the game, get the stigma of being the No. 1 pick off his shoulders, and just enjoy the game."

"That's the most important thing. No expectations right now, just get better, work hard, work his butt every day in practice, and get better and enjoy basketball, enjoy coming to the gym every day."

而快艇主帥Doc Rivers也期待Bennett打出在國家隊時優秀的表現。他同情Bennett受到的批評,認為當天在第一順位被選中不是Bennett控制的事情。Doc Rivers寄語對方,不要擔憂這些無謂的事情。他認為Bennett返回速龍這支家鄉球隊,或許會令Bennett感到更加自然,而且速龍本身也不急於Bennett盡快打出好表現,有利於該22歲球員的成長。

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