DeMarcus Cousins專訪:認為自己是聯盟第一內線球員;喜歡對戰快艇


帝王中鋒DeMarcus Cousins接受了<Slam>的訪問,這位極具性格的中鋒回答了不少球場內外的問題。

第一個問題是DeMarcus Cousins是否覺得自己是聯盟最佳內線球員。DeMarcus Cousins認為是,他甚至認為排在第二位的Anthony Davis水平還沒有接近他。

引用“In my mind, it’s not even close between me and the next person. I would say the next big is AD, but it’s not close, in my mind. Not close.”

怎樣才配得上稱讚?DeMarcus Cousins認為他現時最需要的是贏得比賽。他認為自己入選過明星賽和美國隊,他認為自己的天賦比其他內線球員還要高,但他最需要的是帶領球隊取得勝利。
引用“At this point, it’s about winning. I got the All-Star appearances. I got Team USA. My name is out there. It’s just about winning, it’s about carrying a team. I mean, from a talent perspective I know I’m way above any other big man—now it’s just about winning.”

那麼才是勝利?DeMarcus Cousins認為能夠打入季後賽會是一個完美的球季。他認為天空才是極限,所以一切也有可能。

引用“Where we are, Playoffs would be a perfect season. Sky is the limit, though—I think anything is possible. You think it, talk it, and then you can put it into existence.”

DeMarcus Cousins表示無論對手是誰,也會打好每場比賽。但他最喜歡對戰的球隊會是快艇。當記者回應指自己也喜歡他對戰Blake Griffin比賽,DeMarcus Cousins笑稱這是海報男孩對壞男孩的比賽。
引用“I get up for every game. I like competing. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Sixers, Celtics, whatever the case may be.”
“My favorite team to go against is the Clippers. Well, I can say I get up for games like that. That’s a big game for me.”
“True. (Laughs) True. It’s the poster boy against the bad boy.”

每年暑假,很多NBA球星也會提升自己實力。DeMarcus Cousins也不例外,他稱每年也會提升所有東西,而今年他特別訓練了三分球,而現在看來也有所得益。
引用“Man, I’m trying to work on everything. I want to get better in every area. I agree with them—there is always something I want to bring in that they haven’t seen before. This year I would say that’s shooting the three. It’s been benefitting me well so far.”


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