Russell Westbrook學會減少爭辯,避免吃下技術犯規


去年,雷霆球星Russell Westbrook吃下了聯盟最高的17個技術犯規,當中包括對溜馬吃下而事後被聯盟撤銷的那一個。在2011年以來,他總共吃下了52個技術犯規,是聯盟其中一位「技犯王」。

最近Russell Westbrook接受了訪問時表示,自己已經受夠了吃下技術犯規的日子。他指自己在夏天時花了時間領悟,也看過了比賽影片,從而得出一個結論:就是無論對裁判作出任何抱怨,對方也不會改變判決。因此,今個賽季他決定減少無謂的爭論,並說服自己想開一點。

引用"I'm done with those days.I learned in the summertime, once they make a call, they ain't changing it. Took me a while, but I learned it."

"I watched film. I watched all my techs and all the dumb s--t I was doing, so I decided to tell myself, there's no need to argue. They're not changing it, so move on."

開季至今,Russell Westbrook吃下了4個技術犯規,排在聯盟第9位。他的隊友Kevin Durant過往也是「技犯王」,今季只吃下兩個技術犯規。對於Russell Westbrook的觀點,Kevin Durant並不認同,但他也希望Russell Westbrook能如願減少得到技術犯規的次數。

引用"Not at all, not all. We'll see. Hopefully he doesn't get any more [technicals], but I don't buy that."

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