
早前,有美國球迷製作了影片,剪輯了一些林書豪在受到對方球員惡意侵犯的時候,裁判並未作出有何處罰的片段。該球迷直斥NBA的不公,更向聯盟總裁Adam Silver寫信。事件引起了美國和亞洲地區球迷的討論。

及後,該網友透露,NBA公關Adam Bernstein回覆了有關郵件,並就事件作出了回應。內容大致分為以下幾點:(這樣的回應,球迷們認同嗎?)


Dear Dopest_dope,

Thank you for your letter to Commissioner Silver. We take seriously matters related to officiating and appreciate you taking the time to reach out.

Contact that is deemed flagrant by referees and other hard contact (whether called or not) is reviewed by Basketball Operations after each game. During its review, Basketball Operations uses a set of criteria (which you can find here), multiple video angles and enhancements, and its comparable database to calibrate its judgment. When deemed appropriate, a postgame Flagrant Foul can be assessed (including for contact that was not called in the game), and applicable points, warnings, fines and/or suspensions are issued.

While some of the plays in the video you referenced involved hard contact, none was subsequently deemed a Flagrant Foul given the full circumstances, angles and comparables from past games. Referees do make mistakes, which means they miss calls that should have been made. When that occurs, we collect the data and provide referees with feedback to ensure improvement.

Thank you again for contacting us and for being a fan of Jeremy Lin and the NBA.

Adam Bernstein NBA Fan Relations

球迷剪輯的影片(Jeremy Lin: Too Flagrant Not to Call)中字:

(影片來源: W.A. Studio @ Youtube)
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