

騎士前教練David Blatt雖然在上季帶領球隊打入了NBA總決賽,在今季也一直帶領球隊在東岸取得領先成績,可是他在一月的時候卻被球隊解僱,由助教Tyronn Lue接手。

David Blatt早前已決定返回歐洲執教,最近他接受媒體訪問時表示,他不敢看現時的NBA總決賽,只會在網上查閱賽果。

當被問到遭解僱的時候,David Blatt直言受到傷害,他更想不出任何理由被球隊裁掉。David Blatt認為自己的工作亦沒有失敗,失敗的只是他沒有保住他的工作。此外,他也表示,自己必需學懂與LeBron James這樣的人共事,尤其是對方作為球隊的基石,比自己更重要。

引用"You learn to work with people like [James]. This takes time. There are a lot of things I would have done differently, with him included. In the reality of the NBA and this team, there is no doubt that LeBron is the center. He is the cornerstone of the club, there is no doubt that LeBron was more important to the system than me."

David Blatt也表示,自己可以繼續留在NBA,但他認為並不適合,他認為時機很重要。

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