
前湖人球星Kobe Bryant逝世了幾個月的時間,不少NBA現役或已退役了的球星仍不時憶起與他相處或對戰時的往事,當中包括另一位前湖人球星Shaquille O’Neal。

最近,Shaquille O’Neal提到一個以前從未公開的故事。Shaquille O’Neal指自己當時還在效力奧蘭多魔術的時候,有次Kobe Bryant來到了更衣室,希望索取Penny Hardaway的簽名。可是,Shaquille O’Neal猜想Penny Hardaway沒有理會Kobe Bryant。於是Kobe Bryant便過來找Shaquille O’Neal,Shaquille O’Neal指自己對Kobe Bryant亦相當友善。

實際上,Shaquille O’Neal都不記得這件事情的回憶。只是當一次Kobe Bryant在新秀賽季來到湖人的時候,有一次Kobe Bryant便回憶起這件事,並問Shaquille O’Neal有否記得他。

Shaquille O’Neal在1996年夏天以自由球員身份加盟湖人,而Kobe Bryant則在同年的選秀大會中被黃蜂選中,並隨即被交易至湖人。Shaquille O’Neal和Kobe Bryant兩人合作時曾為湖人取我2000-2002年三個球季的NBA總冠軍。

“Actually, Kobe reminded me of the story. I was in Orlando, and him and his family came in the locker room, and he asked Penny for an autograph, and I guess Penny kinda blew him off or whatever, I’m not sure, this is what Kobe was telling me. And then he said he came up to me and I was really nice to him, and I had never knew that until one day he told me (during) his rookie year. He was like ‘do you remember me?’ I was like ‘nah.’ He was like ‘I came in the locker room’ and I was like ‘oh yeah, that was you.”

