逆子弒父母碎屍案,疑犯周凱亮 WhatsApp 向朋友剖白殺人佈局!

香港發生一單好恐怖逆子弒父母碎屍案,受害人周榮基與蕭月兒夫婦遭殺害及碎屍,疑兇係佢地29歲幼子周凱亮及其35歲朋友。消息稱,原曾留學澳洲的幼子周凱亮長年失業賦閒在家,漸變內向宅男,常與父母爭吵,有人疑不堪壓力,誘騙父母到大角嘴一劏房,與朋友合力弒殺父母,再以鐵鋸利刀肢解屍體。疑犯周凱亮殺人後,涉訛稱父母北上失蹤,扮孝順透過facebook及傳媒尋親,只為掩人耳目。及後被捕後,更用 WhatsApp 向朋友剖白殺人佈局:

周凱亮 Whatsapp 向朋友剖白殺人:

Whatsapp Group對對話(對話):
Henry TK:「i am inside the hq of hong kong poice in wan chai,」

Group友:「Dun mess around yo
wt u do?」

Henry TK:「Watch the news」

Group友:「U kill somebody?」

Henry TK:「There r an old couple gone missing
they are my parents」


Henry TK:「But this is not a missing person
This is a Murder case and i am involved」

Group友:「Holy fucking shit u serious...」

Henry TK:「I am saying goodbye」

Group友:「U killed yr parents?」

Henry TK:「yes 2 weeks ago 」
Group友:「u gotta be kidding me 」
... u lost me... ur involved as in u killed ur parents or u helped in doing it.. 」

wtf.... 」

Group友:「Stupid to ask why...but shit...u seriously did it or yr framed?」
Henry TK:「I did it
there r no way they give me 40 50 60 yrs, likely to be life so i planned it for half a year」

Group友:「Hope u r just fucking around...」
Group友:「they were missing」

Henry TK:「Yes i know, everything is fine, just take care u all ok? I love u all
Coz my murdering partnet and i was planning to make it a missing person case and dump the body piece by piece
my brother want media to help」

Henry TK:「Thats why we spent a lot of effeort to conceal our crime
we r pro to make the smell of the body go away and thats why we r not caught for two weeks
But please dont try to learn this shit and i wonr disclose the method to u guys」

Group友:「Ok Henry...it was great knowning you And u had the honor to be my 2013 Valentine」

Henry TK:「If they cant find the body they cant fuck with us, the case qill take half a year, but i want to stop this
Yes gay shit ok yes
Thank u wilson and tim and ken
I will reply on my bro if he doesn't hate me, otherwise i gave arranged two friends to help me provided that my bro dont wanna fuck with me from now on」

Group友:「But honestly u shouldnt kill yr parents
They are ur parents」

Henry TK:「I am a psychopath
I cannot empathize people pain because of my experience from childhood and adolescence
for some reason i dont want them here
because of my childhood experience 」

take care.... 」
Henry TK:「 No, Murder, and thats why i anticipate a life imprisonment」

Henry TK:「 i process emotion differently from normal person 」

Group友:「who cares if they are you parent
you didn't choose life 」

Henry TK :「 i am in the police station now but i am going to carry the police around for a while coz i need to buy time to say final goodbye to good friends 」

Group友:「does you bother know what u have done? 」

Henry TK:「i don't want to shock him yet, give him that at the last moment
coz, he will lose all 3 members of family and live alone from now on」

Henry TK:「我準備通天,覺得佢係時候要知哂個故事」

Group友:「goodluck la 」

Henry TK:「我中文全名周凱亮, 第時我入去後
你地要探我或寫信, ok的
Thanks u very much tony」

面試電影經過 (3D玉蒲團) :


有人話睇唔明我d 英文叫我打翻中文喎.........(其實我真係唔係gum鍾意打中文)

我真係估唔到, 自我十二歲父母開始買天水圍嘉湖山莊後, 宜家相隔十二年, 我又翻翻去0個度, 今次, 仲做埋業主. 當年我仲記得父母96年在那裏買左個單位, 樓市好, 賺左一百萬, 跟住第二次佢地又在嘉湖山莊買樓, 遇到97年金融風暴, 虧翻一百萬. 真係風頭火世. 現在, 我同我阿哥一齊向銀行借貸, 我自己做埋小半個業主,

從第一次見到那裏, 己經係十年前的事, 今次入翻去, 除左個單位內面無變, 其他野都好似加左料gum樣, 屋園雖然無乜點變過. 但係多左個中央公園, 多左兩間酒店大廈同埋一個商場. 由於天水圍比以往多左好多公屋, 再加上有好幾個屋苑落成左, 又多左條西鐵, 多左幾條巴士線, 變左人口開始多好多, 越來越多後生仔女出入. 轉眼間, 佢己經變成一個好方便的區域, 唯一解決唔到gee, 就係車費, 來回市區一日就要四十蚊, 30日就要一千六百蚊, 一個打工仔, 都唔知點應負.

無論如何, 呢個世界就係gum搆笑, 車費貴, 但係租平, 結果都係有人願意用幾千蚊租左我地個單位. 可惜租金太過小, 始終係天水圍樓, 我同我阿哥一日每個月仲要貼翻每人千三蚊出來交差餉, 管理費同一部份的銀行還款. 如果買西環樓, 同一個價錢的單位可以租多千六蚊一個月. 無法啦, 投資樓有好多時都不止只係睇租金回報. 希望層樓年幾後可以升植一百萬啦, gum我同我屋企人攤分之後我就可以賺到三十萬了. 不過呢d 主觀願望. 個個業主都覺得自己層樓係寶來ga la.


又一個嚴我矮的人在網上出現. 一方面, 我又好憎人睇唔起我高度, 一方面我又對自己高度好唔開心. 就係因為呢個原因, 我中學和大學時, 沒有選擇, 到左最後, 都係自己一個人渡過. 從中學四年級開始, 一路過埋澳洲的3 年, 我都係好孤獨同憂鬱地涯過那些令人精神崩潰的時間. 最後,今日的我要北上大陸, 去找女朋友........我覺得我自己好無用. 過了中學和大學這階段, 己經係商業社會的生活, 我越來越唔能夠分辨, 異性接近一個人, 究竟係為了利益和錢, 還是為了真愛. 當時在讀書的我, 就係因為會知道有呢一日, 所以更加想在未完成大學之前, 搵到一個長期的女朋友, 好可惜呢個美夢己經破滅了. 我現在能夠為了什麼而努力, 能夠以什麼來推動自己做事. 我回到香港這四年, 變得越來越頹廢, 越來越唔想思考.

我真的好想有機會照顧, 關心, 愛護一個人, 這機會我真的不可以得到嗎? 開始覺有點累, 有時看到希特拉的影片, 看到納粹德軍在柏林失守後吞吓氰化物藥丸自殺, 心裏就有生出同樣的念頭. 不過我如果真係決定這樣做, 臨死前, 一定拉多幾個我生前最憎恨的人落去陪我.


標籤: 周凱亮  逆子  弒父母  碎屍