曼城Fan Chant (打比戰Special) - 第五回:Lesson in Pride + Hark Now Hear the City Sing


<曼城Fan Chant (打比戰Special) - 第五回:Lesson in Pride + Hark Now Hear the City Sing>


打頭陣的這首歌可以說是每逢打比戰的時候曼城球迷一定會唱的其中一首歌曲。或許大家對於前面部分的Lesson in Pride的旋律會感到陌生,但後面部分的Hark now hear the City sing基本上就是由聖誕歌曲Hark now hear the angel sing改詞而成。

My father said to me one day, is it red or blue for you,
And if its red your out the door, and I won't see you no more,
And then one Saturday afternoon, he took me to Moss side.
He said my son your time has come and this is your lesson in pride.

You see the Scum you never run,
You stand and fight your ground.
And when you've won on derby day
Your sure to hear this sound:

Hark now hear,
The City sing,
United ran away,
And we will fight for ever more because of Derby Day!

從Lesson In Pride的歌詞中就反映出,在英國曼徹斯特當地,曼城與曼聯兩派的球迷本就水火不相容,歌曲當中時時刻刻充滿曼城球迷對曼聯球迷的敵對情緒。 其實筆者認為這首歌的歌詞用來為球會凝造一股氣勢是相當不錯的,敵人使球迷們同仇敵愾。因此在打比戰開賽前,曼城的球迷們都會唱著這首歌為球會打氣。




