工程篇(四)-Metal decorative louvres 與子彈鉸

話說筆者工作的地方,在電力公司的牛房門外,根據圖則有名為「Metal decorative louvres」,而近日收到電力公司來信,內容部份節錄如下︰

「Please be advised that during our recent visit to the above substation, we discovered that there is an external decorative louvre installed outside the substation door, it impose a safety hazard and obstruct the daily operation to our staffs. In this circumstance, we would be grateful if you could rectify the external decorative louvre to eliminate the risk.」

「Please note that external decorative louver should not be installed, affixed or attached outside the distribution substation. Even if there is a need to install, you should follow our COP101 which set out the details requirements of the substation external decorative louvre below (下刪1,000字)」


“To correct something or make something right”
“to deal with a problem or mistake so that in no longer exists”

1.「decorative louvre」有問題需要「rectify」,
2.「decorative louvre」其實是不應該裝設的,
3.如果要裝設「decorative louvre」則需符合COP101的要求,
4.來函沒有要求拆除「decorative louvre」,
6.該「decorative louvre」可打開900C或以上,算是符合電力公司接受基準。


承辦商表示現場的「decorative louvre」使用的是俗稱「子彈鉸」(見附圖),由於「子彈鉸」的軸心一般是用鐵造,落雨容易生銹及磨損,導致閘門下墜、移位及無法打開。建議可考慮訂造不銹鋼軸心「子彈鉸」,因較為耐用。另一方面,「子彈鉸」生銹與日常較少保養有關,例如入油次數不足,所以應該經常加添潤滑保養。
