「對任何人來說都不是個好輔助!」——Westbrook 難道再被賣?

火箭從上年的休賽期就將 CP3 成功送走,並換來了 Russell Westbrook 。當大家以為一切都重回正軌的時候,然而更大的問題卻出現了…
引用On the heels of the Rockets' latest playoff disappointment, an Eastern Conference coach told Michael Scotto of HoopsHype that Westbrook isn't a great fit in Houston.

"Westbrook isn't a good complement for anyone, in my opinion," the coach said. "He has to be the main guy. He can't shoot. He needs the ball. He's not an off-ball player. Hard to play with two max guys who need the ball. Maybe it's possible, but it seems like two good players instead of Westbrook would be better the way they play."
當火箭隊季後賽次輪不敵湖人出局後,一位東岸某球隊的教練就告訴記者 Michael Scotto :「就我個人意見,Russell Westbrook 對任何人來說都不是個好輔助,他要做球隊的主角,並極度需要球權,而且他無法打出無球進攻。一支球隊擁有兩個頂級球員,其實是非常難打出較好的配合,雖然都有機會做到,但是似乎用兩個好的球員總比用一個 Russell Westbrook 較好。」
事實上,Russell Westbrook 並不是一個無球進攻好手,從今次對陣湖人的比賽當中,大家都會看到湖人球員都懶得去防守無球的 Russell Westbrook。以往在雷霆隊,James Harden 就是那種「catch-and-shoot」的球員,這樣才可以與Russell Westbrook 有較好的配合。如今情況已經大不同,雙方任何時候都需要大量的球權,這樣僵持下去,只會不斷降低球隊的效率。

Russell Westbrook今年季後賽表現非常得慘淡,場均17.9分、7.9 個籃板以及 4.6次助攻,三分球的命中率僅僅24.2%。而且最後一場與湖人的比賽當中,第四節更受到 Rajon Rondo 哥哥在場邊的挑釁,作出不理智的回擊,那場比賽他出場 36 分鐘,13 射 4 中,僅得到 10 分、6 次助攻、4 個籃板以及 2 次偷波。

火箭接下來的三年仍需向 Russell Westbrook 繼續支付1.33億美金的薪金,面對現時尷尬的局面,火箭隊高層其實十分困惑,Russell Westbrook 好歹都是歷史級別的「三雙王」,就這樣輕易的放走他,似乎會有種不甘心的感覺;但繼續留下他,又怕他的個人打法與球隊體系不相符,為球隊未來埋下不定時的「炸彈」…
引用“I wouldn’t move Harden,” one Eastern Conference general manager told HoopsHype. “He’s still so good, and they’re too old right now to just start a rebuild unless you’re getting a Jayson Tatum or Luka Doncic to rebuild around. I’d probably run it back in some shape or form, especially with next year being a compressed time period. I would keep all options open, but I wouldn’t be selling Harden just to the highest bidder. In the last two years, they easily could have won it all, so I don’t think it’s fair to panic yet if they lose. Now, if there’s a great deal out there, that’s a different story, but I still think it’s worth riding out one more year. If Westbrook is tradable, get it done.”
《HoopsHype》亦引述另一位東岸總管的話:「若是我就不會考慮賣走 James Harden ,他還非常厲害。我認為火箭可以保持現時陣容繼續打一個賽季,但是如果有機會賣走 Russell Westbrook,那就賣吧…」



標籤: NBA  火箭  Russell Westbrook  James Harden