Klay Thompson 跟腱將完全恢復?醫生:只是恢復基本功能

昨天有確實消息指出,勇士隊球星 Klay Thompson 成功進行跟腱修復手術,由名醫 Richard Ferkel 親自操刀, 預計將會完全康復。不過今日又有消息傳出,其實 Klay Thompson 的情況並不是我們想象得那麼簡單。
引用“I think it depends on who’s defining full recovery. I think, no matter how good your rehab is, how great your surgery went, your tissues are always different after you’ve had a surgery. So, if the surgeon is saying a full recovery is expected, that probably means something different from the coach or the general manager saying full recovery because they envision full performance recovery, as opposed to full basic functional recovery, which is what a surgeon might be saying.

“So, I think it certainly is possible that he can get back to a similar version of what his natural career trajectory would have been, but there’s no doubt that it will be the hardest thing he’s ever done on a basketball court in his life.”
記者 Ethan Strauss 採訪運動損傷醫生 Brian Sutterer 問到有關 KT 跟腱傷勢能否完全恢復的情況,隨後醫生 Brian Sutterer 是這樣回應:


「所以啊,我認為 KT 是有可能恢復到與此前職業生涯差不多的狀態,但是毫無疑問的是,這個(跟腱傷勢)將會是他在球場上、人生上所面臨過最大的問題。」
其實聯盟此前已經都有這些例子,比如 Kobe Bryant、DeMarcus Cousins 以及 Wesley Matthews 等遭受過跟腱撕裂的球星,雖然他們都是在傷勢完全恢復之後才重新征戰NBA賽場,但是他們的競技狀態都大不如前,顯然無論是心理抑或身體,對於他們來說,都已經留下不可磨滅的創傷。



標籤: NBA  勇士  Klay Thompson  跟腱  手術  生涯