[天空報] 保亞斯賽後訪問 : 車路士今日打得不錯 樸茅是一支難對付的球隊

Villas-Boas happy with display
New boss used two sides in pre-season clash with Pompey
By Hayley Paterson. Last Updated: July 16, 2011 6:37pm

Andre Villas-Boas was pleased with the performance of his Chelsea squad following their 1-0 friendly win over Portsmouth.

The Premier League runners-up travelled to Fratton Park to take on Steve Cotterill's men which saw the new Blues boss put out two different teams in each half.

The visitors came away with the win thanks to the former Blues centre-back Tal Ben Haim heading into his own net.

Following the match, Villas-Boas told a press conference he was happy with how both of his teams played but felt they could work on retaining better possession.

The former Porto coach also praised Pompey for giving them a typically tough game.
Difficult ground
"It was good to come out after the amount of days that have gone by since the weekend game," he said.

"It is one of the most difficult grounds to visit. Portsmouth always put in a good challenge and we were happy to come across after just three days from our weekend game.

"Some positive signs and some negative signs are always on hand but mostly positive, bearing in mind we used two teams - one team in the first-half and another in the second-half. It's good for everybody to have a run.

"This is most likely the players that we will take to Asia plus (Slobodan) Rajkovic who joins us and Alex and Petr Cech so most of the boys were out and it's good for us to have this kind of challenge that Portsmouth always allow us.
Better quality

"I'm pretty pleased. We can still reach better quality possession and better speed of circulation of the ball, we showed some tightness between the lines which is important for us.

"It also shows that the things we are doing in training are getting into the players' heads and these are good signs.

"For the kind of intensity we have been working on, for the players to be able to display this kind of freshness after 13 days into the season, it is a good thing for us."

Chelsea will head out to Asia on tour soon with a Malaysia XI being their first opponents on July 21.
