保亞斯 : 史度歷治有可能會再外借出去一季

Villas-Boas may send Chelsea’s Sturridge back out on loan

17.07.11 | Dave Williams

Chelsea boss Andre Villas-Boas has admitted Daniel Sturridge could be one of those that may spend the season away from Stamford Bridge.

The 21-year-old enjoyed a thoroughly impressive spell with Bolton during the second half of last season and Villas-Boas intimated a similar kind of deal may be in the pipeline.

"This is one of the decisions we have to take," he said.

"Daniel is a very, very interesting player with a tremendous future.

"The individual is highly regarded by myself.

"I have 15 days in Asia to make the best decision and I need those four games to continue to assess.

"When we get back from Asia we have a week running into the Rangers game and I think from then on a decision will have to be taken to be ready for the first game of the season.

"Then again it does not mean that we won't be active after that, because the market always gets very frenetic in the last days and you never know what will happen."

It was put to Villas-Boas that the players must feel as though they are on trial at the moment, but he said: "No, I don't think so.

"I think the opposite because I gave them that flexibility from the beginning.”
