軍醫也有Fans?! 就是我們的女軍醫 - Eva Carneiro

開季至今, 相信有好多球迷都問, 點解後備席會有個女人係度嫁呢?!!
呢度就話, 好多人都會討論佢既美貌, 而忽略左佢既學歷與技術。
呢段野話, 佢比起近幾年咁多個軍醫都更有資格坐呢個位!!
希望佢真係可以令車仔d球員健健康康, 傷左既都快d好返啦:)

Despite her obvious beauty the woman has credentials beyond the wolf whistles and letcherous keyboard strokes having worked with the British Olympic Institute and the women’s England national team the lady has credentials

So whilst we may all giggle the next time she has to deal with a John Terry groin strain (as the MOTD panel did), she is most certainly qualified to be sitting on the Chelsea bench, which is more than can be said of some who have sat on the Chelsea bench in recent years.
