


1.If I die, I want to be born again and I want to be a footballer. And I want to be Diego Armando Maradona again. (假如我死了,我想再次回到世界,成為足球員,我想再次成為馬勒當拿。)

2.I am a player who has given people joy, and that is enough for me. (我是一位帶給人們歡樂的足球員,這對我來說已很足夠。)

3.Messi scores a goal and celebrates. Cristiano scores a goal and pose like he's in a shampoo commercial. (美斯入球後慶祝,C朗拿度入球後打扮得像洗髮水廣告一樣。)


4.My mother thinks I am the best. And I was raised to always believe what my mother tells me. (我的母親因為我是最佳,在我的成長我亦深信母親告訴我的說話。)

5.God makes me play well. That is why I always make the sign of the cross when I walk out onto the field. I feel I would be betraying him if I didn't. (上帝賜給我球技,因此每當我步出球場都會畫出十字架的手勢,不然我會感到背叛上帝。)

6.I am Maradona, who makes goals, who makes mistakes. I can take it all, I have shoulders big enough to fight with everybody. (我是馬勒當拿,一個製造入球和錯誤的人。我可以承擔這一切,我有強大的肩膊和所有人戰鬥。)


7.My life philosophy is pretty simple: I like to punch people when they have both arms up. When they are down, I like to help them. (我的人生哲學很簡單:當人們雙手舉高,我便喜歡拳打他們。當他們垂下,我喜歡幫助他們。)

8.I am black or white, I'll never be grey in my life. (要麼是黑,要麼是白,我在生命中不會成為灰色。)

9.Watching Leo Messi play is better than sex. (看美斯踢球比性愛還好。)


10.So far I have lived forty years but worth seventy. Everything that could happen has happened to me. In one go I had left Fiorito and ended up in the top of the universe, and from there I had to cope on my own. (現在我活了40年,但好比過了70年一樣。所有能夠發生的都已發生在我身上。我離開家鄉菲奧里托,來到宇宙最高峰,自此獨自面對。)

11.No matter what happens, no matter who's in charge, everyone knows that the national team's #10 shirt will always be mine. Forever. (無論世事如何改變,無論誰人執教,所有人都知道國家隊的10號球衣都是屬於我的。永遠。)

12.The goal was scored a little bit by the hand of god, another bit by the head of Maradona. (入球有一點來自上帝的手,有一點來自馬勒當拿的頭。)


13.There would be no debate about who was the best footballer the world had ever seen. Me or Pele. Everyone say me. (無可爭議,當人們談給我和比利誰才是世界最出色的足球員,每個人都說是我。)

14.When I wear the national team shirt, its sole contact with my skin makes it stand on an end. (當我穿起國家隊球衣時,它和皮膚的唯一接觸使它屹立不倒。)

15.When God decides its time, I guess he'll come for us. (當上帝決定時間,我想他會為我們而來。)


