


"I think the book is very well written, in a simple language, very well constructed, with attraction for me to read it until the end."



"I have just finished reading every single page of your story. The story is very well written and the style is very unique. I enjoy reading it. Though the story is kind of sad, the plot is well organized...I am hoping that 忻悅 can be "stronger". You know what I mean! Ha! Ha!"

"Congratulations on the 2nd book! You're marvelous...I'm sure it'll be more interesting."

"Best Wishes"

「出版了, 恭喜啊, 祝你一紙風行, 新書大賣~~」

「當然會延續下去啦^^沒頭沒腦的其實係我~哈哈^^妳有好多野我真係要向妳好好學習~妳對寫書既堅持真係令我好萬分敬佩~期待已久既細女終於順利出世^^繼續努力呀Bon Bon !!!」



"May God's blessings be with you and let you have a prosperous year ahead ."


"wooh!!! You are publishing the 2nd one?!! Well done~~~!"

「新書??什麼時候可以有得look look ???不過點都好,我一定會支持你呀~~~繼續 add oil ar~~^3^」

「Bonnie, 還記得那一天你對我說想當一個作家的事嗎? 轉眼間, 妳的第二本書又出版了, 妳的成就, 對我有不少鼓舞作用呢! 願主祝福妳!」



