新全球熱播歌曲!《The Fox》狐狸!

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挪威一對兄弟創作的新曲《狐狸》(The Fox), 載歌載舞的音樂短片上載You Tube一周,已突破1,370萬點擊率。有傳媒估計,它將是繼韓國歌手Psy的《江南Style》後,另一首熱爆網絡的歌曲。

創作歌曲的兄弟the Ylvis brothers表示都有點受寵若驚,又指作品令他們獲得更多音樂創作機會。

Nickel Creek -The Fox

The fox went out on a chilly night
He prayed for the moon to give him light
for he'd many a mile to go that night
Before he reached the town-o, town-o, town-o
He'd many a mile to go that night before he reached the town-o

He ran til he came to the farmers pen
the ducks and the geese were kept therein
He said a couple of you are gonna grease my chin, before I
leave this town-o, town-o, town-o
a couple of you are going to grease my chin before I
leave this town-o

He grabbed the grey goose by the neck
threw a duck across his back
and he didn't mind the quack, quack
and the legs all danglin down-o down-o down-o
he did't mind the quack quack and the legs all danglin down-o

Well the old grey woman jumped out of bed
Out of the window she popped her head
cryed john john the great goose is gone
and the fox is on the town-o town-o town-0
john john the great goose is gone and the fox is on the town-o

He ran till he came to his nice warm den
and there were the little ones eight, nine, ten
sayin daddy daddy better go back again
it must be a mighty fine town-o town-o town-o
daddy daddy go back again it must be a mighty fine town-o

The fox and his wife, without any strife
cut up the goose with a fork and a knife
they never had such a supper in their life
and the little ones chewed on the bones-o bones-o bones-o
they never had such a supper in their life
and the little ones chewed on the bones.


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