爆笑!充滿驚奇與刺激的 IT 開發者生活

當行銷部那群人向工程師展示銷售業績時(When marketing folks show to developers what they have sold):
還記得你第一次將 CSS 加到網頁中的樣子嗎(The first time you apply a CSS to a web page):
當系統管理員開放 root 權限時(When the sysadmin gives you root access):
你耗了一天一夜,正準備開始測試程式碼時(When you run your script the first time after several hours working on it):
當週末所有人都在加班只有你在放假時的感覺(When you go on weekend and everyone else are at office trying to fix all issues):
當老闆在找人修復嚴重 bug 時(When your boss finds someone to fix a critical bug):
工作項目提前完成,獲得意外獎勵時(When you receive an extra paid if project ends before deadline):
上禮拜五運作好好的東西結果禮拜一就掛了時(When something that had worked on Friday and on Monday did not work):
當你進行沒有規格可以參考的開發時(When you develop without specifications):
老闆告訴我「測試就是專門給不會寫程式的人準備的」時,你真想(When boss tells me that ‘tests are for those who doesn’t know how to code):
當你更新完資料庫腳本,上傳後發現整個資料庫都被清除了(When you update a database script and you note that you have deleted whole database):



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