爆笑!充滿驚奇與刺激的 IT 開發者生活

當你在產品環境中加進一些東西時(When you upload something to production environment):
當你不需用 Google 就解決了問題時(When you find a problem solution without searching in Google):
當你沒儲存程式碼就關閉了 IDE 工具時(When you close your IDE without saving the code):
凌晨 3 點還在修 bug 時(When you try to fix a bug at 3AM):
當正則表達式正如你所料時(When your regular expression returns what you expect it):
當老闆告訴你,你開發的模組根本就沒在用時(When my boss reported me that the module I have been working will never be used):
當你告訴老闆你已經修復了 bug 時(When I show to my boss that I have fixed a bug):
當你沒測試程式碼就上傳,結果完美運行時(When I upload a code without tests and it works as expected):


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