Dwight Howard感謝Kobe Bryant當年說他「軟弱」

近日在接受採訪時,Dwight Howard談到了當年與湖人球星Kobe Bryant的衝突。


隨後,老大爆出了那句經典的"soft ! Try me !" (軟蛋,有種碰我試試 !)

當回憶起這件往事時,Dwight Howard說道:"那都已經是過去式了。會發生這種矛盾,主要是因為之前我們在湖人有過不那麼愉快的合作經驗。當時的我太年輕了。"




“I kinda hated him for saying that because I looked at it the wrong way. I think he was more so talking about my mentality…not how I am on the court. And I didn’t realize that because all the noise surrounding him saying I was soft. And I hated him. I hated him for that moment.”

“Everybody reaches different levels of maturity at different times. I think at that time I was ignorant to the level that he was at. So I appreciate you, Kobe. Thank you for saying I was soft. I didn’t realize what you meant until now.”

當年效力於魔術的Dwight Howard是當時聯盟最有統治力的中鋒,甚至可以去掉之一 !

如今可能面臨失業的他,不禁讓人想象,如果當年將Kobe Bryant的勸告聽進去,魔獸的職業生涯能否延長幾年 ? 他又能否奪下一座總冠軍呢 ?
